Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Pentagon's Cyber Secret Agents

The Pentagon's Cyber Secret Agents

Written by Fabio Ghioni
Tuesday, 03 October 2006

U.S. Air Force researchers are developing a new project based on the idea that in the future it will be possible to set up computer programs which will be used in military operations and long-term intelligence activities, such as "being to monitor a military barracks, accumulate financial information on a potentially hostile nation, or provide status on the political climate of a South American country”, an Air Force paper announces.

In a short-term perspective, a similar cyber aid will be decisive to detect hidden people or dangerous items, such as explosive, without endangering human lives.

According to the project that stands behind this revolutionary technology, “Cyber crafts” will work on a variety of mediums with no distinctions, so that they could hop from computer networks, to electrical grids, to wireless nets and so on. Moreover, the programs would be able to keep up with the networks changes, performing constant self-morphing in order to be effective but impossible to detect by the adversaries.

The other revolutionary element conveyed by this technology is Cyber crafts’ ability to make decisions on whether to morph or self –destruct in case the enemy would discover them.

The Air Force paper then, makes an example of Cyber Craft application considering a squad of marines entering a residential area…

“They need updated information, and they find an electrical outlet and plugs-in. Such an outlet allows access to the town’s power grid and to the adversary’s computer network.
So, a cyber Crafty is injected into the system in order to localize insurgents or hidden military facilities The Cyber Craft detect[s] some activity at a military installation within 1000-ft of the Marines location.
The Cyber Craft performs a 'recce mission' to gather intelligence on the insurgents (exact location, number, arms, etc.) and sends back data/information to the marines.

However, in the meantime the marines have moved and have located a different means of connecting to the network. The Cyber Craft has 'sensed' this shift so readdresses the feedback information to the marine¹s new location and port. The 'Cyber Craft' acquires a positive ID, and sends an alert message back to the marines that the insurgents are about to leave and may be heading their way... The Cyber Craft executes its orders (turns power off, locks the doors), sends back an acknowledgement and self destructs.”

No doubt that, if these tools will be implemented and will work properly, they will convey a revolutionary change in the way to carry out any kind of intelligence or military action.

Anyway, the technology that would be able to support such a program doesn’t exist now, but Air Force Research Unit has already started a fund raising operation involving three companies that have agreed to finance the initial phases of the research.

Assured Information Security of Rome, NY gave its contribution to "research and develop a Cyber Craft software tool that will be able to covertly enter a network and move about the network to detect intrusions or other abnormalities."
Indialantic, FL outfit 3 Sigma Research is working to build "Cyber Craft organized in to 'cells' to allow survivability and increase resiliency to attack."
Solidcore Systems, out of Palo Alto, will try to put together a “system including a harbor (a host), and a dock (a control environment for Cyber Craft execution) and
cyber craft themselves (ordinary programs that can get launched to hosts and run there)."

According to provisions, it seems that they will implement a perfect program, but we can’t do without pointing out that reality isn’t based on “perfection”, that sometimes working conditions change many times during a single operation and that we cannot be always aware of how they will change.

The reason why certain tasks are accomplished by men-or women-, is that they can be trained to act in such unsteady conditions adapting their behaviour to the situation.

But will a machine be able to do the same? Couldn’t a Cyber Craft misinterpret given parameters and morph itself into something that performs unintended actions that would be harmful to friendly forces or provide the enemy with information about the sender?

Will it be possible to create a “thinking” machine? and if it will... which would be its limits?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr chang envieme un correo valido para enviarle mis comentarios ya que en este blogger no los han publicado

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Chang por fin halle la salida de comentarios , sobre los temas antigravedad tengo que felicitar a Julmago Calldito y los otros ufologos por sus experimentos ver los videos de Jhon Hutchison y aplicar a las barras metalicas varias microondas simultaneas ,las armonicas que se forman son las que producen la antigravedad,leer tratados de radiotransmisores a valvulas y a Isaac Rabi novel 1944

8:02 AM  

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